“I love eating rice, and today, I want to talk about a rice Purity Test.” The statement is contradictory when you learn about the Rice purity test meaning.
Rice Purity Test Meaning – Introduction

Rice Purity Test Meaning
Our users always return to this website and learn something new about the internet. But upon opening our site today, you are viewing something about Rice. We have been saying for a while that the internet is weird. It’s helpful, but sometimes it gets weird as well. We can’t be sure about a phrase and its meanings unless we dive into this world. The same goes for the Rice Purity Test Meaning. Upon hearing for the first time, our mind goes straight to a rice field. But let me assure you that our focus is still on the Internet.
What’s the Purity Test?
The heading about purity still suggests that we are a little distracted today. But hold your horses; it’s going to be interesting. Let me ask you a question at this moment. Have you ever thought I am not feeling pure anymore because of all the tech changes and the internet world? Yes, most internet users, especially those who grew up without the internet, always have this feeling.
But until this moment today, we have a sad feeling that despite all the changes on the internet, we can’t judge our inside and its purity. Your feelings are valid, but they’re about to change. What if I told you that there is a system that tells you if you are inclined towards purity or evil?
Let me ask another question to get you to the main topic. Have you ever visited a website that asked many random questions and shared a result? If yes, this system isn’t new for you. You may have reviewed various surveys and questionnaires on social media and other websites. Some of those surveys are to collect your feedback about a product. However, a few give results about your personality and its multiple traits.
A new system has come up where we have an assessment based on 100 questions that help us understand our personality. The best thing about this test system is that it offers double the benefits. Along with understanding the rice purity test score, we can also check this ourselves. Thus, the test itself is getting immense fame. The tool helps you understand how pure choices you will make in different life scenarios, and then it shares the results.
Origins of Rice Purity Test
If we can point out at this moment, a thing that’s bothering our readers is the word “Rice.” Thus, before we proceed and understand the origins of this test, it is essential to remove the word “Rice” from our way.
Students at Rice University, TX, designed this assessment test, which has this word in its name. The primary intention behind this assessment was never to get money. This test was only a bonding activity among new students at the university. The purpose was that after completing the test, students would feel a connection with each other. Also, the teachers at the University believed that the students must share their personal experiences. Thus, the rice purity test was the primary source of encouragement for the students.
Rice Purity Test Meaning – Working System

rice purity test
Now, after understanding the origin of the testing system, we want to take this test ourselves. Rather than going in blind for an assessment, it is better to learn how the assessment system works to get the best results.
The assessment website isn’t hidden from you. A simple Google search will give you a rice test purity website. We understand that many readers aren’t tech-savvy and think twice before opening a new website. But this test has a simple website and interface. Thus, you don’t need any special tech skills to go under the assessment. The questions in the evaluation aren’t complicated and will make you think for minutes. The assessment has 100 questions, with each question giving you two options as a response: Yes or No.
This test has questions from various fields. The primary purpose is to see if you have engaged in the mentioned activity and to determine whether you have avoided troubles in life and kept your hands clean. You will receive a point if you select no in the response to a question.
We know our peers, colleagues, and elders have always advised us to experience many situations in life. After getting the experience, we polish our skills, and it benefits us a lot in the end. But as we look to get answers to the question, “What is the rice purity test?”, the experience factor works in reverse on this test.
The highest scores in the rice purity test mean that you are inclined towards keeping your soul pure and have not experienced different scenarios. If you get a zero, it means that you have experienced everything in life.
Rice Purity Test Score Meaning
After you take the test, the website will give you your score. Each score has a different meaning. For example, the average rice purity test score differs from high or low scores. Thus, here is a detailed division of the various scores you will get after the assessment.
0-9 Score
This is your lowest score after taking the Rice Purity test. It takes you the farthest from being a pure soul. This score means you have taken all the chances in life and experienced every possible situation. A 0-9 score refers to your rebellious nature and attitude. Each scoring range of this test shares a different perspective and views about your personality.
A 0-9 score also means that you have been naughty and that your attitude has always made you not care about anything. A lot of people change their views as a result of people’s opinions. What other people think about you is far beyond your thinking and care-list.
This result also shows that you have broken a few rules and crossed some lines several times. Every person has a purpose in coming to earth. Your result means that your purpose in being on earth is to have fun.
10-29 Score

what is the rice purity test
Getting this score also doesn’t guarantee that you are an innocent person. We all have some regrets about our life decisions. But a 10-29 score on the purity test means you have no life regrets. You also have been a rebel at heart and, despite the results, have no regrets about your actions. If you were given a chance to review your life decisions and make the decision again, your choice will be the same.
30-49 Score
This is closer to the rice purity test average score, but you can’t say you are pure and away from evil. This category means you have made more than a few scandalous life choices. But what separates you from the other categories is your scandalous decisions. In your life, the only reason behind some questionable decisions is to have fun.
50-69 Score
When you reach this point, you are at the average rice purity score. This means that you are keeping a balance among your life decisions. Your soul is inclined towards purity, and you are on the way to becoming an angel but aren’t quite there yet. This score means that you have made a questionable decision every once in a while. However, your decisions were made after taking all safety measures into account.
70-89 Score
This is nearest to the best you can get on this app, meaning you have spent your life well. However, the score brings a twist to the tale. This 70-89 score means that sometimes you have been naughty. You have taken some risks in life. But if you were allowed to make those decisions again, your choice would be different.
The highest score that you can get in the “rice purity test meaning” assessment is 90-100. A select few individuals have gotten this result. This score means that you have been an angel all your life. You have never been in trouble and were always careful while deciding.
Rice Purity Test Statistics
We share some stats about the rice purity test for some geeks among our readers. These tests will help us understand the ratio of average scores among different age groups and even a few countries.
- Users under 25 score between 74 and 90, and those above 25 score between 60 and 74.
- Till 2023, the average score in the US was 64.
- The average score in the UK till 2023 was 66.
- The average score for the girls was 64 and 61 for the boys.
Rice Purity Test Meaning – Questions
Most aspects of this test are apparent, but some people don’t like going in blind for an assessment. Even though this assessment is on the web and won’t affect you personally, forehand knowledge will be beneficial. We all have the urge to get the best results in every assessment. This urge to get the best results is part of human nature. The questions in the test may change depending on the world of the internet and the feedback. However, the topics are expected to remain the same.
The primary focus of the assessment is your romantic relationship and various experiences during those relations. Some users don’t feel comfortable asking questions about their personal lives, but the website doesn’t ask for names or other details that may give your identity. Further, it only asks about your romantic experiences, like if you have made out in public, etc.
Social and Legal Experiences
Along with romance, the assessment focuses heavily on your life decisions in society. The questions will involve your relationship status and preferences in different life situations. The purpose of the questions is to see if you go to the left side when deciding about society. Further, there are a few questions about your legal history. Now, they are not asking if you are a legal citizen of the country. Instead, the questions ask if you ever had involvement with a law enforcement agency.
Risks and Education
A few questions are about your history of taking risks in various situations. For example, they will ask if you ever cheated on a school test. Also, risky behaviors in life are under question. For example, your involvement with drugs may be in the questions.
Authenticity of Assessment

average rice purity test
Social media users and internet users have different opinions about the authenticity of the test. At first view, a rational person can say that the Rice Purity Test is just another website. We know that in this age of AI, it is not difficult to build a website. Thus, we can’t be assured of the test’s authenticity. Here are a few points to help us form an opinion.
Scientific Standards
We know various scientific methods help a person know about their personality. But we know this website was built during a team-building exercise at a university. There was no scientific involvement, and the test was built without research. This lack of scientific standards raises many questions about the authenticity of the purity test.
Many social media users take this test as a light-hearted exercise. According to the users, this test is only to get the best social media engagement.
Privacy Concerns
The biggest concern for users on the Internet is cyber security. They can never be sure if there is being saved by the website. Thus, by keeping this situation in mind, it is possible that users don’t provide accurate info to different websites. We can say the same thing for the rice purity test as well. Therefore, the authenticity of the Rice purity test is always under question.
Final Thoughts
The rice purity test has a confusing name because the University launched the online tool. The authenticity of the test results is in question, but this tool is a fun way to spend time and share results with your friends on social media.
Following are the few most commonly asked questions about the Rice Purity Test.
1- Is the Rice Purity Test Anonymous?
Yes, the test is anonymous, but be cautious before sharing the results.
2- What is a high score on this test?
A score above 90 is considered high during the assessment.
3- Can a Rice purity test affect someone’s reputation?
Yes, people can judge you based on your results. Thus, it is better to send the results to your friends privately.