Heliotrope or most commonly bloodstone is a famous and cherished crystal today. Let’s see more details about the Bloodstone Meaning and its significance.
Bloodstone Meaning – The Introduction
For many years, humankind has been attracted to the hidden aspects of nature. One of the, then hidden, amazing aspects of nature is Crystals. We have been appreciating the beauty of these crystals for many years without knowing their hidden meaning. Bloodstone is a crystal that’s fascinated us for quite a while with solid reasoning. In ancient times, it was a belief among people that bloodstone brings good fortune and protects against evil. The bloodstone has historical significance as well. In medieval Europe, bloodstone was associated with the crucifixion of Jesus. As per their beliefs, when Jesus Christ’s blood drop fell on earth and solidified, it became the bloodstone.

bloodstone meaning
If we talk about the appearance of the bloodstone, it is striking enough to attract enthusiasts. This dark green crystal with red specks is the highest prize for many individuals around us. Not only the bloodstone crystal is beautiful but it also has some powerful properties. We know the original name of the crystal is Heliotropos The word Helio is derived from the Greek language meaning Sun, and Tropos means turn. Technically the crystal means that it can turn the Sun red.
Bloodstone Meaning – Healing Properties
Along with looking beautiful, a crystal also has some healing properties due to which it becomes famous. The healing properties of the crystal have been known to the humankind since the ancient civilizations. Rejuvenation, healing, and protection are the top properties of bloodstone . Let’s see the different types of impact bloodstone leaves on a person.
Physical healing
We know each crystal leaves physical, mental, and emotional impacts on a personality. Following are the Physical bloodstone benefits.
1- Detoxification
One of the primary healthcare remedies of the modern era that doesn’t involve any medication is detox. Detox consists of various herbal components and its primary purpose is to cleanse the body. Detox helps a person get rid of impurities so their organs can function at their best ability. Before we became aware of the detoxification process, people were using Bloodstone crystals. They were aware of the bloodstone meaning as it is said to be best for detoxification purposes. We can observe the positive impact of bloodstones on our kidneys, liver, and blood. If you are looking to improve your overall health, then Bloodstone Crystal should be your primary choice.
2- Immunity
We know the bloodstone crystal helps us detoxify our body. During the process, it helps us remove impure particles from our blood. There are alternate benefits of the whole detoxification process. After the body is cleansed, we can observe an overall improvement in our immune system. Thus, it can overcome illness and infections better than in the past. The bloodstone crystal helps the body to enhance its natural defense. Thus, we can protect us from diseases, illness, and other problems.
3- Healing
In recent times, if you have suffered any type of injury and the healing process is taking forever, do get a bloodstone crystal. Along with providing detoxification and better immunity, the bloodstone helps us accelerate the healing process. Back in the day, when there was near to no healthcare in ancient societies, people used to get the bloodstone to heal their wounds. The bloodstone has rejuvenation properties. Thus, it is best to have it during injuries, wounds, or any physical traumas.

bloodstone meaning
4- Circulation
If we talk from the medical point of view, sometimes an organ is working correctly but due to poor blood circulation, its working gets affected. In the modern era, it is easy to know and find the reasons behind poor blood circulation. But back in the day, people had bloodstones for this purpose. When we study the bloodstone meaning, we’ll see that the red color in the crystal refers to blood. The same red color on the crystal is symbolism of vitality and life force. Thus, it is a strong belief that the bloodstone properties also include better blood circulation. Due to this improvement of blood circulation, not only our blood flow will get better but we’ll feel a difference in our energy level. Thus, our cells will get more oxygen. The whole process will help us see a difference in our physical activities.
Bloodstone Meaning – Emotional Healing
There are a few cases when our physical health is perfect but due to an emotional problem, our overall activity is not perfect. Thus, it is extremely vital to pay attention to our emotional health. Let’s see the bloodstone meaning in the context of our emotional health.
1- Alleviating Stress and Anxiety
Stress and Anxiety are the two major health problems of the current era. It used to be minimal a few years ago. However, due to countless reasons, mental health issues are increasing every day. In recent years, experts have discovered the calming properties of the bloodstone. It helps you relax your nerves and increase your mental focus during stress and anxiety. Thus, the activity helps the mind to stay energetic and find various methods to stay emotionally stable.
2- Encourage Courage and Strength
Bloodstone is a crystal that’s in use for many civilizations. Primarily, the warriors of the ancient era were using the bloodstone crystal. It was a belief back in the day that the bloodstone crystal meaning also applies to our courage and strength. The crystal works on providing us self confidence and resilience. Thus, whenever you are facing challenges, your self-confidence will help you overcome the problem at hand. The self-confident attitude will give you determination and remove any fear from your mind.
3- Emotional Balance
There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself and letting your emotions go free in the world. But the problem begins when we don’t control those emotions and let them slide to a specific side. In this situation, it is better to have an emotional balance. There are many ways to keep emotional stability and one of them is using the bloodstone. After using this crystal, you will a control of your emotions, and your mood swings will also reduce. The bloodstone meaning applies to emotional clarity here in this situation. After having emotional clarity, we can suppress our anger and negative feelings. Thus, the focus will be on the positive outcome of every task.
Bloodstone Meaning For Spirituality
One of the most important but ignored aspects of our personality is our spiritual grooming. Sometimes we confuse spirituality with religion but those are two different things. Religion is your choice, but spirituality is within all of us.

bloodstone meaning
Grounding Properties
One of the biggest problems that a newbie in the field of spirituality is exploring. Without exploring yourself, you can’t set some goals in this field. But when you go to explore different aspects of spirituality, you can lose your way and get to the unknown zone. But before starting the process of exploration, get a bloodstone crystal. This crystal has grounding properties and keeps you connected to your roots. This connection with the roots is possible due to the root chakra of the crystal. This chakra and the crystal help you build a strong spiritual foundation. Thus, when you go to explore different spiritual options, you will always feel a connection with your roots.
Unlocking Creativity
We all have a creative aspect in ourselves and just need a little push to unlock it. The bloodstone helps a person dive into his inner self and find the wisdom that’s been hiding for many years. This way a person can unlock the creative angle of their personality. If you are a person looking to make an impact in the field of arts, writing, or cinema, this crystal is tailor-made for you.
Promoting Spiritual Growth
Sometimes despite all the tactics and tricks, we can’t get to the desired goals in life. Thus, we divert our attention to a superior deity and attempt to make a connection. But since it is our first attempt we fail to do so and get more deep into depression and stress. However, the bloodstone crystal is ideal to make a connection with a higher deity. It makes us aware of the need for a spiritual connection. If you believe in meditation, keep the bloodstone crystal near yourself and you will feel a change in your personality.
Amplify Healing Energy
If you are going through spiritual healing and feel that you need some positivity in your life, select a bloodstone crystal. This crystal helps you push away the negative energy from your surroundings. Thus, the process will help you seek more positivity in life.
Bloodstone Uses
Now that we have covered various aspects of bloodstone meaning, we must know the methods to use this crystal.
The most popular way of keeping the bloodstone near to yourself to get its protection is in the form of jewelry. This is the most effective way as the crystal keeps connected to our body and we get all the benefits. You can make necklaces, bracelets, or rings that carry the bloodstone crystal. Not only this jewelry will provide you with protection and support but will also look beautiful.

bloodstone meaning
More info: Black Crystal Meaning – Introduction, Types, and Importance
We covered the meditation aspect of the bloodstone crystal. We know that it provides us the healing and grounding properties. During the meditation process, hold the bloodstone crystal in your hand or you can place it on your body as well. This modern technique of meditation will help you relax and enhance your self-control.
Placing in Your Environment
Bloodstone crystal has vast healing properties. We know it helps in providing us strength and support against negative energies. If you feel that your environment, home, or shop has a lot of negativity, place the bloodstone in the middle. It helps you spread a harmonious feeling across the environment. Thus, the whole practice will provide a sense of stability in your environment as well.
We understand now that the bloodstone crystal has many applications that create a long-lasting on our lives. All we need to do is study the bloodstone meanings and apply them in our lives.