We all have a BFF who stands with us in every situation. But the phrase in question here is BFFR.
Let’s see what we can find out about BFFR Meaning in text , What Does BFFR Mean on Snapchat , What Does BFFR Mean in Text and much more. Let’s Dive in
BFFR Meaning In Text

Bffr Meaning
Some phrases on the Internet take us on a long road of thinking, and we end up empty-handed without guidance. We understand that those phrases are part of modern communication. But upon checking the dictionary, we also don’t get a response. Thus, it is important to stay in touch with the digital world to be aware of new phrases.
However, I am urged to mention an important point about social media. Sometimes, experienced and regular users also don’t notice the changes in modern communication. This negligence is mostly due to different preferences in our profiles. There may be instances when we don’t read words like BFFR.
What Does BFFR Mean In Text & On Snapchat:
You may have read many Slang terms and phrases if you are a regular social media user. But at first glance, we see a difference between this slang term and the others. BFFR is a four-letter slang term that is rare in current digital communication. New users won’t notice this minor difference. However, we can understand that every slang word has a story, and a single letter changes its meaning.
A common point about this Slang with other terms is that it has multiple meanings as well. So far, we have developed a common understanding that the meaning of a Slang keeps changing. Thus, we’ll read this Slang within the context of the sentence to decipher its meanings.
BFFR Meaning refers to the sentence, “Be for real.” A regular user will ask about the meaning of the second “F.” There is a variation of this Slang, BFFR, which means “Be f*cking for real.” Some users add the second F to increase the intensity of their statement. Otherwise, the meaning of the Slang remains the same, with or without the addition of the second F.
Origins of BFFR Meaning Slang
We understand that the question “What does BFFR Mean in Text?” remains unanswered. But before we jump into the intentions behind the birth of BFFR, we’ll look at the origins of this Slang. Understanding the origins of Slang answers a lot of questions.
This origin story won’t take us back to the late 1990s. It stopped in 2009. Along with all the great things that happened in 2009, this was the year when Twitter was on the rise in the digital world. But Twitter came with a restriction. Users only had 240 characters to use while tweeting. Due to this restriction, many users became smart and came up with new abbreviations and Slang.
Thus, many users invented many abbreviations for their tweets. In all that situation, we saw the birth of BFFR. Following the hype it got from Twitter, TikTok arrived on the internet, and everything changed. TikTok users contributed to the fame of BFFR via memes and videos.
Intentions Behind BFFR

what does bffr mean
After understanding the origin story of BFFR, we are on the right track. If we touch the intentions behind this Slang, we’ll be on the fast lane to our goal. Unlike other Slang terms, BFFR has wide applications and has extensive meanings as well. There are scenarios where we can use this phrase to vent our anger. But occasionally, it is a funny and playful joke among friends. Further, if a person is acting irrationally and you can’t help but point it out, BFFR is the slang to use at this moment. Social media also allows you to challenge your friend if you understand the essence and intention of BFFR Slang.
What IS BFFR – BFFR Uses
Now, we have reached the point of interest that answers our question of BFFR Meaning. Here are a few uses of BFFR Slang.
Irrational Comments
The primary use of bffr meaning slang falls into the double category of funny banter and response to irrational comments. We all have a friend who loves making claims about their future. Sometimes, a claim is funny, and we neglect it without noticing it. Sometimes, a claim is so far-fetched that it is light-years from reality. Under such moments, we can’t help but come up with an amazing response.
Now, let’s take an example for a second. Your friend claims, “I will graduate from college on this attempt.” This claim sounds rational for a second. But you know that your friend is as far away from studies as China is from the US. Maybe he won’t understand this example, either. Here, at this moment, come back with a playful response, “BFFR, you have never studied in your life.”
We must mention here that the intention behind BFFR slang is never to insult your friend. This phrase is a playful joke and must be taken light-heartedly.
Anger Expression
We understand that moments ago, we mentioned BFFR as a playful joke among friends. However, we share the belief that slang refers to more than a single meaning and can also be contradictory.
Sometimes, you read a message or comment in the digital world that ticks your nerves and sets you off your game. Sometimes, a user or a profile crosses some sort of line that is inappropriate. There are instances when you control your anger and don’t respond with an angry remark. But if things are about to get out of control, there must be a comment from your side bffr meaning.
If you have spent months building your profile as an approachable, professional person, sending mean remarks will leave a dent in your profile. Thus, the ideal step in this situation is to vent your anger using rare terms. If you come across the same situation, use BFF meaning slang. For example, a Facebook profile has spammed your business page with mean remarks for days.
This act is leaving a bad impression on your business and also on your social media profile. Thus, after controlling yourself for a few days, you decide to send a response. Write something like “BFFR, stop spamming my page.” Here, only a few people will understand that you are using BFFR as an angry comment. But the intention will be clear from the rest of the message. Thus, if a person reads the phrase within the context of the message, they’ll get the intention of the Slang.
Secret Challenge

Scrolling above, you will find that we also mentioned a challenge in this Slang. Once we understand “BFFR meaning in Text,” we can use the Slang differently on social media. But you won’t be able to fulfill or even recognize the BFFR challenge.
We need to assume a scenario to share details of the BFFR challenge. We know there is a lot of information on social media, and sometimes, we confuse real news with fake news. Thus, we always seek confirmation from many sources. Sometimes, they give us accurate information, but we bypass the news, assuming it to be another prank.
In this situation, you can use BFF in a message to reassure the statement. BFFR is a challenge where we ask a user or a profile to ditch their pranks and fake news.
Notes about BFFR
A few critical points about BFFR Slang will help us understand the ideal use of BFFR on social media.
- Like all Slang, BFFR is only suited for social media and the digital world. Under no circumstances can we use this phrase in a professional discussion like email or business chats.
- BFFR is becoming famous across various platforms. This fame shows that BFFR, meaning Slang, is here to stay for a while. But if we move away from understanding and using this phrase, its meanings may change a lot in a short time. Thus, we must stay connected with this Slang.
- Always double-check the tone of your message when you are using BFFR Meaning Text. We know the primary purpose of this Slang is to create funny and humorous comments among friends. But there is a hidden context that helps us release our anger. Therefore, if the tone of our message is a little off, the message reader may assume it to be an angry comment instead of a playful joke.
Final Thoughts
BFFR may be a little more complex than other Slang, but it is extensively used in social media conversations. Before using this Term during chats, we must know the different contexts of BFFR slang. Thus, we can use it in the intended manner.
Following are the few most commonly asked questions about BFFR.
1- What does BFFR Mean?
BFFR is a Slang word that means “Be for real.”
2- Is there any other meaning of BFFR?
In some variations, the Slang means “be fu*king for real.”
3- What is the primary purpose of BFFR Slang?
BFFR is a playful slang term people use as a joke among friends.